March News

Spring break is coming up!

Spring break will be from March 29th to April 8th. We hope you have a wonderful and restful break with your loved ones.

Solar Eclipse Day

Please remember that we have a solar eclipse happening on April 8th and we will have the day off to observe this natural phenomenon. Follow the link to learn how to observe the eclipse safely.

State Testing

Akros and AkroTech: State testing will start on April 15th.

Edge: State testing will start on April 23rd.

Prepare for testing days

State testing is an important time for our students, as it helps us understand their progress and areas where they may need support. Remember, a good breakfast and a restful night's sleep the day before testing can help students perform their best.

Kindergarten Open House

We invite you to our Kindergarten open house on April 10th from 4-6pm. Join us to learn more about our kindergarten program and meet the teachers.

Summer Enrichment

Rising 9-12th graders

Have a summer experience like no one else!

This summer AkroTech will be offering a summer enrichment experience. Transportation and lunch is included & tuition is free. This experience will be offered to rising 9, 10, 11, and 12th graders.


Innovation Academy

For rising 9th & 10th graders

Using 3D printers, learn to invent, prototype, and problem solve.

Entrepreneurship Academy

For rising 11th & 12th graders

Design, produce, and market a product while learning to run your own business.


June 3 - 27, 2024, Mon- Thurs, 10:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Please contact the AkroTech Main Office at 330-374-6711 to enroll your student.